The last few months before the start of a new expansion are often pretty chill and despite being punctuated with spurts of information on the new development, news can become pretty scarce. Last week was one of those weeks. This week though, we have stuff. So let’s get to it.

As you may have seen on Twitter, due to real life, this blog will now be published on Wednesdays rather than on Tuesdays. You can expect the same pithy blurbs and exciting rogue content – just a day later. If you missed the announcement, you can stay up to date(ish) by following us on Twitter or by checking out the Twitter feed on our homepage:


Speaking of Twitter, earlier this week we asked you about the rogue guides and content that you love.

We were rewarded with some lovely suggestions. Props to all who were mentioned. Here are a few highlights:

Unsurprisingly, Infexious of Infexious Gaming had quite a few mentions:

Infexious is a prolific You Tuber and streamer. He is also a moderator on our Ravenholdt Discord. Check out his You Tube Channel and follow him on Twitter. And, he has a new Battle for Azeroth Beta video up.


Fuu also has several fans:

As well as being a moderator on Ravenholdt Discord, Fuu is the author of a very in-depth Subtlety Guide. If you play Sub, this is worth checking out:



Also a mod on Ravenholdt Discord (I’m detecting a theme here…), Loktark maintains our Ravenholdt Outlaw Guide:


Dalaran the Rogue:

A You Tuber with a mostly PvP focus, check out and follow Dalaran on You Tube and Twitter:



Ok, this predates our tweet, but I’m including it anyway. Wonton produces rogue guides and other content. Check out and follow Wonton on You Tube and Twitter:



And of course we have to include these.

You are here and reading this, so thank you! We really appreciate everyone who frequents both this site and our Discord, and follows us on Twitter.


If you have more suggestions for good rogue content that you’d like to see highlighted, let us know on Twitter or at the email address at the bottom of this blog.


The internet is full of wonderful rogues doing wonderful things and producing interesting content that furthers the interests and community of our class. Fans of Knives is Ravenholdt’s weekly community news roundup that links to the contributions of these rogues for your viewing pleasure. If you have produced rogue related content, feel free to email us at and we will check it out. If you include “Fans” in the subject line we will be sure to see it.