A player tamed a Mastiff in Scarlet Monastery in Cataclysm that mysteriously turned into a hyena after Patch 10.1.7 went live. What’s behind this odd transformation?

According to multiple datamined items, we will be returning to the Scarlet Monastery of Old in Patch 10.1.7 for an unknown reason.

The Scarlet Key is an item added in Patch 10.1.7.

The Scarlet Key is a new spell linked to the above item. The tooltip says: Retrace the steps of those who came before.

Scarlet Monastery of Old – Grants access to Scarlet Monastery of Old for all characters on your account.

The encounter database table has been updated with the following entry: Bloodmage Thalnos.

While the community still hasn’t deciphered the secret yet, one player reported on Reddit that their mastiff tamed in Scarlet Monastery during Cataclysm has turned into a hyena.

My Mastiff that I tamed in SM in Cata turned into a Hyena after this last patch.
by u/KabarJaw in wo

The mastiff probably got reverted because scarlet hounds were previously hyenas before the dungeon got revamped in Cataclysm.

by u/Death6703 from discussion My Mastiff that I tamed in SM in Cata turned into a Hyena after this last patch.
in wow