Here’s an interesting Classic HC conundrum. A player hearthstoned out of a dungeon (presumably) mid-pull because they felt the tank wasn’t pulling responsibly and they got scared of losing 20 hours of leveling.

Onuva_42 was doing Deadmines with a group and felt very unsafe with the tank’s pulling, as he grabbed two groups after the healer said they were out of mana. Onuva then hearthstoned, presumably in the middle of said pull (it’s not quite clear from the wording) and got some hate for it. In their defense they do ask the question on whether what they did was right or not.

Most players in the thread agreed it was the right move.

So what’s your verdict? Did Onuva did the right thing? Would you even dare go for dungeons with randoms in hardcore?

There are also plenty of tales of players ditching a group both in dungeons and quests when they saw the shit hit the fan in the above thread, so it’s definitely worth checking out.  On the flip side, we have someone who didn’t hearth out and the results were… yea.