We’re looking at this week’s Tier List for Mythic+ based on the weekly affixes.
The following post is based on statistics provided by Subcreation, a website that gathers various Mythic+ data from live servers. Please note that the tier list is biased toward the top end because it only looks at the top 100 keys per dungeon per affix and ignores keys below +16 and untimed runs.
For the reasons mentioned above, the data presented here will always differ from the Mythic Tier Lists maintained by Petko.
Data Reliability
The data used in the post comes from Subcreation, a site maintained by Alcaras. Subcreation provides statistical analysis of Mythic+ dungeons, raids, and PvP in Shadowlands, and the data is provided via the Warcraft Logs API and Raider.io. If you’d like to support Subcreation, you can check out their Patreon.
How the Data is Calculated
The site looks at the top 100 keys per dungeon per affix across all regions and examines their raider.io scores. For each dungeon and specialization, the site takes the lower bound of a 95% confidence interval of the top 100 runs for each specialization. The site then averages these lower bounds, one per dungeon, to get an overall average lower bound for each spec, which is finally used to create the tier list.
The site takes the lower bounds of the 95% confidence interval calculated and then clusters them into 6 buckets using the Ckmeans algorithm. You can find more information by reading the site’s FAQ.
Tanks, Healers, Melee, and Ranged are all on the same scale. They’re just shown separately for easier comparison across roles.
Mythic+ Tier List for Dragonflight Season 1: Week #14
The specs are ranked based on their lb_ci which stands for the lower bound of a 95% confidence interval. If a certain tier is missing, it’s not occupied by any specialization.
The following tier list is for this week’s affixes: Fortified, Sanguine, Volcanic, and Thundering.
Tank Tier List
Based on 3,200 runs, ranging in difficulty from +20 to +27.
Protection Paladin (195.75)
Protection Warrior (188.89)
Blood Death Knight (187.02)
Brewmaster Monk (186.55)
Vengeance Demon Hunter (182.57)
Guardian Druid (180.57)
Healer Tier List
Based on 3,199 runs, ranging in difficulty from +20 to +27.
Preservation Evoker (195.90)
Restoration Druid (193.72)
Restoration Shaman (186.32)
Discipline Priest (185.28)
Mistweaver Monk (180.37)
Holy Paladin (179.60)
Holy Priest (176.43)
Melee DPS Tier List
Based on 3,134 runs, ranging in difficulty from +20 to +27.
Subtlety Rogue (195.11)
Havoc Demon Hunter (193.77)
Enhancement Shaman (189.95)
Feral Druid (188.60)
Fury Warrior (187.03)
Outlaw Rogue (184.92)
Windwalker Monk (184.89)
Unholy Death Knight (182.31)
Arms Warrior (181.86)
Retribution Paladin (177.57)
Assassination Rogue (109.15)
Survival Hunter (78.90)
Frost Death Knight (21.64)
Ranged DPS Tier List
Based on 2,758 runs, ranging in difficulty from +20 to +27.
Shadow Priest (196.04)
Balance Druid (190.89)
Fire Mage (190.42)
Destruction Warlock (194.04)
Beast Mastery Hunter (194.85)
Elemental Shaman (195.81)
Frost Mage (191.49)
Devastation Evoker (189.40)
Demonology Warlock (186.21)
Marksmanship Hunter (166.28)
Arcane Mage (0.00)
Affliction Warlock (0.00)