We’re looking at memes that emerged soon after the Microsoft-Activision Blizzard merge was complete.

The first one targets new Great Vault rewards in the form of a Office 365 subscription.

New Microsoft Office Great Vault Reward
byu/Gnow1edge inwow


The second one shows a familiar face that could soon be available as a Battle Pet in World of Warcraft!

New battle pet up on the store and it comes with Tendies!
byu/OvidiusPrime inwow


Microsoft also happens to own Minecraft, so this interesting crossover is not entirely off the table…

New battle pet datamined from upcoming Microsoft promotion
byu/michaelloda9 inwow

Just in case you weren’t aware, World of Warcraft is like the Simpsons and the game hinted at the Microsoft/ABK merger 15 years ago.

The merger was foretold 15 years ago
byu/Kustidin inclassicwow