So we’ve seen quite a few deaths in Classic Hardcore so far, but this particular wipe may just beat them all. This Korean group had a really bad time in Zul’Gurub, and managed to execute the perfect formation… for death.

Venoxis really only has one deadly mechanic to him in phase 1, but before getting into what exactly happened, let’s just take a look at this pretty shocking pull, first spotted by esuvii.

8 players down, a Holy Wrath indeed. If you’re wondering why the tank is just sitting there with Flask of Petrification on, it’s because the boss can be reset when he exits his room, so he’s actually safe. Unlike the rest.

There’s a whole lot of chaos there, with the Hunter pet moving in right before the lightning, the Rogue starting to move in too quickly, the Warrior coming in from ranged as well and more. It really was very much a big mess, as you can see from this actually quite pretty screenshot (shared by Namseyn?

A perfect chain. Of death.

And here’s a look from one of the Mages’ perspectives (as shared by Striking-Bison-8933?

That’s probably the most dramatic group death I’ve seen so far in Classic Hardcore. Hopefully other players will learn from this and not be quite so eager to hug their tanks/the boss.