Hunters get a lot of attention in next week’s DF Beta build, with the class tree as well as BM and Marksmanship receiving improvements.

Hunter (Source)


We wanted to discuss some changes coming in a build next week.

Class Tree:

Nesingwary’s Trapping Apparatus has been removed.

Serrated Shots has moved to where Nesingwary’s Trapping Apparatus was.

Sentinel Owl and the choice node below it have moved up 1 row.

Sentinel Owl and its choice node are no longer NYI, but still have some issues to be work out.

Sentinel’s Wisdom has changed in design. It now grants your party 5% leech and 10% magic damage reduction (everything except Physical) while the Sentinel Owl is active.

Binding Shot is now a 3 sec stun (see earlier post about Binding Shot)

New 1-point Talent: Entrapment. When your Tar Trap is activated, all enemies in the Tar Trap’s area are rooted for 4 sec. This root can break from taking damage, and is magic dispellable.

Beast Mastery

Wailing Arrow silence lowered from 5 to 3 sec, and the tooltip now clarifies it only silences non-player targets.

Qa’pla, Eredun War Order should now work.

The pet damage reduction from Animal Companion no longer reduces the damage dealt by other summoned creatures. How Animal Companion pet damage modifier works with Call of the Wild is still being worked out.


Lone Wolf and Hunter’s Knowledge have swapped spots again.

Wailing Arrow silence lowered from 5 to 3 sec, and the tooltip now clarifies it only silences non-player targets.

Have a nice weekend!