There’s a lot of movement at the top of the top percentiles, as it’s been a Death Knight kind of week! Let’s take a look at where everything ended up, as we have a new No.1 every week it seems, with Augmentation and Unholy battling it out and getting almost identical results.


Overall Damage 95th Percentile

The top 3 brawl continues with Unholy coming out on top this time around, and we have Frost DK moving 2 up into 3rd after being absent for a while. Demonology and Frost Mage have to make room for the DK’s return, with Devastation standing strong in 6th. The rest of the top 10 remains the same, while the bottom 3 welcomes Balance back as Retribution just barely makes it out.

95th percentile Mythic data by Warcraft Logs.

Overall Damage All Percentiles

We have to go down to 6th for the first bit of movement in the generalist bracket, where Affliction takes Enhancement down a peg. Assassination and Marksmanship move past Frost DK, which is going in the opposite direction than in the top percentiles, as usual. The Hunter spec rises 2, also moving past Arcane, and closes out the top 10.

All percentiles Mythic data by Warcraft Logs.

Boss Only Damage All Percentiles

Affliction moves one up here as well, as the 1-spot bump into 5th is the only movement in the top 10.

All percentiles Mythic data by Warcraft Logs.

Heroic DPS

Shadow had a really great week in Heroic, as it moves all the way up into 2nd place, jumping 3 spots. Assassination is also on the rise, with the Rogue moving past Enhancement, just like Marksmanship and Unholy, causing the Shaman to drop a big 4 spots down into 7th.

All percentiles Heroic data by Warcraft Logs.


Meanwhile, if you’re looking for more information you can check out our Dragonflight class guides, Aberrus boss guides, the raid DPS tier list, as well as more data from Warcraft Logs here.