The first dev notes for Fury Incarnate have arrived! We have the new Dreamsurge invasion-like mechanic, a new Dranei-focused questline with the Man’are Eredar customization at the end of it, Night Elf and Forsaken Heritage armor, the ping system, and more! 

PTR Notes (Source)


Each week one of the four original zones of the Dragon Isles will be affected by the Dreamsurge. World quests will be focused on this zone, extra activities and weeklies will be active, group rares will have new powers and a chance to drop upgraded gear, and new Waking Dream portals (think invasions) will open across the zone.

A major Waking Dream portal will open as a group event every half hour. Defeating it will require a large group of players and has the chance to reward raid level gear.

Minor Waking Dream portals can be found scattered across the zone and can be defeated by solo players or small groups.

Players in the Dreamsurge will gain access to a variety of buffs that range from useful to powerful to chaotic. Every half hour a new buff will be selected for the whole region, with the players themselves choosing which one via collecting and “voting” (turning in) Dreamsurge Coalescence, an item that can be earned by doing activities (including world quests), finding hidden stashes, and killing group rares.

Thaldraszus will be the initial zone active for the PTR.


Follow Velen’s prophecy to reveal a new future for some of the draenei people.

Developers’ note: Draenei have been temporarily disabled to address a bug in this PTR build.

Heritage armor is now available for Night Elf and Forsaken.

Developers’ note: The Heritage armor questlines will not be appearing on the PTR.

5 new skin colors available for Forsaken.

Developers’ note: Available for female Forsaken in a future PTR build.




Developers’ note: Mistweavers may notice some changes to the Mana Tea ability in the Fury Incarnate PTR. We’re still working on the final changes to this spell before placing it on the Mistweaver talent tree. Our main goal for this redesign is to centralize Mistweaver’s mana management into a dynamic, evergreen talent that offers a satisfying way to actively engage with mana as a resource and addresses some longstanding mana concerns in a more permanent way. We look forward to hearing your feedback on this topic!


New holiday rewards for Brewfest, Day of the Dead, Hallow’s End, and Pirate’s Day.



The new Ping system allows you to quickly communicate with your team without having to use voice or text chat. Holding G + Left Mouse Button opens up a ping wheel where you can quickly call out commands such as Attack, Assist, Warning, and On My Way. You can also send contextual pings by holding G and clicking an enemy, the ground, or the unit frames.

Developers’ note: If G is already bound to another function, the Ping entry under Keybindings will be unbound.

Macro support the following Ping commands:


/ping attack

/ping assist

/ping onmyway

/ping warning

/ping [@target] attack

Added a “Sell All Junk” button to vendors.

Made the scroll bar more noticeable in the Dragon Isles Summary window.

Added an animation for new mail icon. quest icon has been updated.