There’s a lot of unexpected movement in the raid rankings this week, as things were supposed to be settling down in the final weeks of 10.0.7, but it seems the upcoming patch has caused a stir and everyone is pushing even harder. Unholy remains the overall favorite, with only two of the charts we’re looking at not seeing it at the top.


Overall Damage 95th Percentile

Unholy hasn’t quite managed to take down its fellow DK, with Frost actually moving quite a bit away at the top this week. We have a big change at number 3 immediately after that, with Destruction taking over Demonology’s place. Spots 3 to 11 are sitting at basically the exact same DPS values around 110K, with Devastation being the first to move upwards of the group in 5th, as its 3-spot rise is mirrored by Demo’s 3-spot fall. Havoc also wins big this week as it moves into 7th from outside the top 10, pushing Subtletly down one. Retribution joins the DKs in being the most stable spec, as it’s been holding down the fort in 9th for a few weeks now. Arms joins the downwards facing specs this week as it drops 4 and closes out the top 10, just ahead of Shadow.

95th percentile Mythic data by Warcraft Logs.

Overall Damage All Percentiles

The generalist bracket is a lot more diverse at the top and also more chaotic, as we see a lot more changes arrive. Subtletly manages to hold on to the top spot, but that’s about all the stability we’ll see here, starting with Unholy’s rise as it looks to repeat its success from the top percentiles and lands in 2nd. Retribution may have taken a hit from the rampaging DK, but it remains strong and only drops 1 in 3rd, joined by Marksmanship in the “make room for Red” club. Taking the opposite trajectory than in the higher bracket, Arms rises one into 5th, taking Havoc up with it. Frost DK is also movin’ on up, 4 spots in fact, as it claims No.7. The Rogues are the one oasis of stability in a sea of chaos it seems, as Outlaw retains its 8th spot, just ahead of the fallen Demonology, which is down 4 spots in 9th. Shadow closes out the top 10, satisfied with only dropping 1 spot down from last week, considering all the movement going on all around it. And just as in the top percentiles, the bottom 3 remains the same.

All percentiles Mythic data by Warcraft Logs.

Boss Only Damage All Percentiles

Unholy is looking to take over everything, as it retains its top spot here, and by a rapidly increasing margin to boot! It will be interesting to see if it can get all the top spots by next week, when the patch will certainly change things up significantly. We also see a surge of Warlocks this week, with Affliction rising one and Destruction making a much bigger move as it comes in from 10th place, leaping 7 spots up into third. Assassination finds itself down in 4th as it has to make room for the Warlocks, followed by Beast Mastery which only lost 1 spot to the purple offensive.

We then have the biggest story of the week, with Frost DK surging up from the literal last spot up into 6th, an insane 19-spot jump! The Mages have gathered up their power and also literally gathered up, as they collectively move up and almost take the last three spots in the top 10, with Arms breaking up their unity and pushing Frost outside and into 11th. The bottom 3 has also changed, with Fury dropping a few spots down to join Windwalker which was there before, but the bigger story is Elemental’s large 13-spot fall from the middle of the pack into second from last.

All percentiles Mythic data by Warcraft Logs.

Heroic Overall DPS

Unholy reigns supreme here as well, same as last week, as Retribution is the first mover, grabbing that 3rd spot away from Affliction, which also gets pushed down by Arms, as the to melee specs take the DoT king down.

All percentiles Heroic data by Warcraft Logs.


That’s it for this week, but if you’re looking for more information you can check out our Vault DPS tier list, our Dragonflight class guides, or our Vault of the Incarnates guides, as well as more data from Warcrat Logs here.