Classic Hardcore is really bringing back some memories for me with the recent Molten Core trash incident, the Zul’Gurub linking deaths and such, except making them way more deadly. Well today there’s a particularly explicit memory being evoked, as Nihilum wiped on Onyxia!

I used to play in Nihilum back in the Vanilla days, so wiping on Onyxia due to the whelp/fear combo overwhelming the raid while Kungen talks in the background is something I’m very familiar with (well, it was typing back then but still). However, this is actually Hardcore so the consequences are quite a bit higher than when I used to die there.

In this case, the consequences were 13 lost characters as players couldn’t even run out due to the guard respawns.

And here’s an extended view of the wipe, starting around the first death:

Thanks to AkilliesZ for making the clip and reporting the final death toll!