A direct continuation of Classic/Vanilla WoW has been talked about pretty much since Classic launched back in 2019. There’s two general directions that this could take: the smaller one where there’s just mechanical additions, class tuning and maybe some new items and the like, and the bigger one where we actually get a new expansion specifically for Classic.

Well, with today’s BlizzCon sneak peak we do know that something is coming to Classic.

Now, obviously that may just be referring to the continuation of what we’ve seen so far, aka that we’re getting Cataclysm Classic (since showing the Cata logo there would be a little to obvious). However, it might also mean that Classic+ isn’t just a pipe dream.

Enter a recent “leak” from 4chan. Aside from today’s BlizzCon logo, one of the reasons this particular leak may be slightly more credible is that is specifically mentions Chris Metzen as leading the project, and he was very recently promoted back to full-time and given the role of Executive Creative Director.

Here’s a screenshot of the now deleted thread, as captured by Drakyry:

A second Warlords of Draenor-like scenario, this time focused on the Dark Portal not opening when it did and the new timeline continuing straight from Vanilla. Another very interesting piece in there is that the Emerald Dream would be one of the two new zones, which would fit very nicely with retail’s 10.2 and have some very useful development overlap. Also to note, the Reawakened Phase-Hunter model comment is referring to the process of newer models being “downgraded” visually to fit in with the old aesthetic, as happened with the Phase-Hunter mount from Burning Crusade Classic. Also the mere idea of Ogres as a playable race is enough to root for this one.

The name itself is a little suspicious, as there were several “Awakenings” 9.0 leaks back before Shadowlands, which also talked about a world revamp. Now, obviously this particular leak is an extremely long shot, but it does seem likely we’ll be seeing something come for Classic Era. It’s been developed pretty heavily since Classic’s original launch, with Season of Mastery and now the very successful Hardcore realms.

As MrGM explains below, there should be something coming as there have been many encrypted patch 1.15 builds on the CDN for a while now (even more than there would normally be for an expansion), so Classic Era will be expanding, and probably in a big way.

So, completely fake or actually could be real? Would you even want it to be real with these details?