I’m Notter. I’ve been playing since WoW’s open beta, and I am playing (mostly) as Assassination Rogue this expansion. I aspire for a simple UI, that enhances your performance, which is unobtrusive while out of combat. I’ve compiled, edited and created WAs to try and suit.
These WAs compilation is suited for both new and experienced rogue players, and includes features that may improve your performance through indications on when to use abilities and tracking several unique techniques. They are separated into different groups, in order to allow you to pick and choose whichever you want, but I highly suggest to use them all, as they are meant to work together.
Feel free to ask any questions, give suggestions or requests, and I’ll do my best to answer. You can reach me at either:
- Discord – Notter#7189
- B.Net – Notter#2746
[accordion active=”” title=”Core for All Specs”]
- Rogue Cooldowns
- Energybar
- Buffs
- Concordance buff
- ComboPoints 5 – in combat
- ComboPoints 6 – in combat
* please manually move to desired position, example in last image
Out of combat – hidden:
[accordion active=”” title=”Assassination”]
- Tracking debuffs, with glow showing when to refresh garrote and rupture
- Indication for Nightstalker empowered rupture
- Indication for Exsanguinate
- Indications for Subterfuge empowered Garrotes
- Poison Reminder (in case poisons ran out)
- Kingsbane Tracking
- Tracks envenom and Surge of Toxins
- Tracks Poison Bomb ticks
Tracking empowered / not empowered garrote between different targets:
Tracking empowered Rupture and then Exsanguinate:
[accordion active=”” title=”Outlaw”]
- Tracking buffs and debuff
- Blunderbuss / pistol shot tracker
- RTB buffs tracker
- Blade Flurry tracker + targets in range tracker (must have enemy name plates enabled, and in view)
Blade Flurry tracking targets in range:
[accordion active=”” title=”Subtlety”]
- Tracking debuffs and abilities
- ShadowDance tracker
- Shadow Techniques tracker
- Finality Indicators and Trackers
- Finality empowered Nightblade indication
[accordion active=”” title=”Credits”]
These WAs use EZOBOSS’s WAs as a basis, but reworked and updated for patch 7.2.5, and the new Features in WeakAuras 2.
Targets Database for debuffs are based on Riff’s code.
Shadow Techniques tracker by Lorentz
Order hall opener by Pottm
Kingsbane stacks tracker by Potatosaur
[accordion active=”” title=”Change Log”]
- Fixed Poison Bomb tracker for patch 7.3.5
- Hide poison reminder when equipping Underlight Angler fishing rod.
- Fixed showing both 5CP and 6CP when Vigor Ring is equipped and Deeper Stratagem is Selected.
- Fixed outlaw’s Roll the Bones buffs not loading if DfA talent was selected
- The “Rogue Buffs” WA had an incorrect string with only Feint instead of all buffs
- Fixed garrote not showing as empowered after using vanish
- Changed Shadow Dance counter to be more precise